Setting Up SSL on Heroku

I really love Heroku. The simplicity and beauty of how it all works just makes me happy. However, unlike most of their instructions/documentation, I recently ran into a bit of trouble when setting up a custom domain ssl. Looking back on it, it wasn't all that big of a deal, but here's a few details in what I had to do to get it working.
First, know that you can always use heroku's free ssl with, but if you want, you have to pay the $20/mo fee and setup the SSL Endpoint Add on.
I followed the directions here:
Everything was heroku smooth until I got to the upload certificate part. Every time I tried to upload the certificate, I got an error. I've setup a few servers using ssl and felt pretty confident that I was using the right certificates/keys/etc. After a bit of trying and failing, and googling, I remembered in the last nginx server I setup for ssl I came across documentation for root certificates:
if you have a chain of certificates — by having intermediate certificates between the server certificate and the CA root certificate — they're not specified separately like you would do for Apache. Instead you'll need to concatenate all the certificates, starting with the server certificate, and going deeper in the chain running through all the intermediate certificates. This can be done with "cat chain.crt >>" on the command line. Once this is done there's no further use for all the intermediate certificates in what Nginx is concerned. You'll indicate in the Nginx configuration the file with all the (concatenated) certificates.
I decided to give it a try. I mostly use for ssl certs ($20
bucks!) and they use RapidSSL. So I downloaded the rapidssl_bundle.pem
file and concatenated it to the bottom of the server cert. Then
heroku certs:add server.crt server.key
worked just fine!
The other area I'm still a bit confused about is the "Configure DNS" section. You'll need to add (or change if you already have setup) your CNAME record to point to the new ssl endpoint add on that heroku creates when you successfully add your keys. What's not clear is if you still want to serve regular http traffic to certain parts of the app, does it still work?? The app I did this on we use https all the time, so it wasn't an issue, but I'm curious about the non https and how it works.
Update Matthew Manning @ Heroku was kind enough to read my article and answered my question. "Yes. A SSL endpoint can be used with both secure (https) and insecure (http) traffic." Thanks!
NOTE: It's been a few weeks since I ran into this trouble and now that
I'm wring the blog article I wanted to try and recreate the error. My
app still isn't live, and so as to avoid the $20 charge on another app,
I just removed the keys and was going to try and re upload the cert
only. It actually worked this time without the pem (no error). I'm not
sure if this is because heroku still had something in cache or what??
However, even though it worked, when I previewed my certs heroku
I got:
Endpoint Expires Trusted
----------------------- -------------------- ------- 2013-12-11 17:40 UTC False</pre>
Only when I updated and used my concatenated cert did it work, so regardless of whether you get the error or not, you will need to cat the certs.
@mattmanning also gave me this advice: You might also want to mention the SSL Doctor client plugin, which can complete the chain of trust for you automatically.